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IRON-VITRIOL OR SULPHATE OF IRON- 341 ORDER III—METALLIC SALTS. All the Salts included under this Order, have a me tallic basis. They are easily soluble in water, and taste hitter, sweetish, or metallic. They are soft, light, and either white, green, blue, or red. Genus I.—Salts of Iron. Of this genus but one species has hitherto been met with in the mineral kingdom, viz. Iron-Vitriol or Sul phate of Iron. Iron-Vitriol, or Sulphate of Iron. / Eisen-Vitriol, Werner. SrvmigMc of the Greeks.—Alumen, Plin. xxxv. 15. p. 52.— Chalcunllium, Plin. ?—Vitrioluin fern", Waller, Syst. Min. ii. P- 22.—Fer sulphatee, llauy, t. iv. p. 122.—Eisen Vitriol, Ileus.s, b. ii. 3. s. 6'8. Id. Karslen, Tabcl. s. 56. Id. Ilaus. s. 137.—Sulphat of Iron, Kid, vol. ii. p. 20.—Kisenvitriol, Lenz, b. ii. s. 989—Green Vitriol, Aikiu, p. 250. External Characters. Its colours are emerald, apple, and verdigris green, and sometimes grass-green : on exposure to the weather, it becomes straw-yellow, cream-yellow, ochre-yellow, and yellowish-brown. It occurs pulverulent, massive, disseminated, stalacti te, tuberose, botryoidal, reniform; and crystallised in the following figures: Y 3 1. Oblique