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274 BARYTE FAMILY. First Kind. Curved Lamellar Heavy-Spar. Krummschaaliger Schwerspath, Werner. Le Spath pesant testae^ courbe, ou le Spath lamelleux, Broch. t. i. p. 6’21—Krummschaaliger Baryt, Reuse, b. ii. 2. s. 443. Id. Lud. b. i. s. 170. Id. Suck, lr th. s. 700. Id. Bert. s. 124. Id. Mohs, b. ii. s. 207. Id, Leonhard, Tabel. s. 40. —Blattrigcr Baryt, Kars/en, Tabel. s. 54.—Baryt sulphatee cretee, Hauy, Tabl. p. 13.—Krummschaaliger Baryt, Lens, b. ii. s. 892. External Characters. Its principal colours are white, grey, and red: the white varieties are yellowish, greyish, and reddish white; the grey varieties are smoke and pearl grey, and there is a transition from pearl-grey into flesh-red and blood-red, and from yellowish-grey into yellowish-brown. Sometimes several colours occur together, and are ar ranged in broad stripes. It generally occurs massive, frequently also reniform, cellular, and globular, with a drusy surface: the drusy surface is formed of very small, thin, and longish four sided tables. Internally it is intermediate between shining and glis tening, and the lustre is pearly. The fracture is curved foliated, which sometimes in clines to splintery, and thus approaches to the compact subspecies The fragments are indeterminate angular, and rather blunt-edged It occurs in distinct concretions, which are curved and thick lamellar. It is translucent on the edges. It