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272 BARYTE FAMILY. white, and sometimes dark ash-grey. It is occasional!/ spotted brown and yellow on the surface. It occurs massive. Internally it is glistening, approaching to shining, and is pearly. The fracture is foliated, sometimes passing into splin tery. The fragments are indeterminate angular, and blunt- edged. It occurs in distinct concretions, which are generally fine, seldom small granular; sometimes so minute as scarcely to be discernible. It is feebly translucent. It is semi-hard, inclining to soft ? It is rather brittle, and easily frangible. It is heavy. Specific gravity, 4.380, Klaproth, Constitvent Parts. Barytes, - - - 60 Dry Sulphuric Acid, - 30 Silica, - 10 100 Klaproth, Beit. b. ii. s. Geognostic Situation. It occurs principally in beds and lying masses, along with galena, blende, copper-pyrites, and iron-pyrites. Geographic Situation. It occurs in beds, along with galena, blende, cop]’ p1 ' pyrites, and iron (writes, at l*egguu in Stiria; also in l * |C Hartz, in beds, along with copper and iron pyrites, g a ' lciia,