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COMPACT HEAVY-SPAR. 271 Constituent Parts. Sulphate of Barytes, 83.0 Silica, - 6.0 Alumina, - 1.0 Water, ... 2.0 Oxide of Iron, 4.0 96.0 Weslrumb, in Bergbaukunde, II. s. 4r. / Geognostic and Geographic Situations. It is found in the mines of Staffordshire and Derby shire, where it is named Cawk. It also occurs at Meis in Bohemia, Freyberg in Saxony, in the Ilartz, and the Breisn-au : also in clay-slate, near Servos in Savoy ; and in Austria and Stiria. Third Subspecies. Cranular I-Ieavy-Spar. i Kdrniger Schwerspath, Werner. Wattriger Schwerspath, JVid. s. 561.—Kdrniger Schwerspath, Emm. b. i. s. 556.—Le Spath pesant grenuc, Brock- t. i. p. 620—Kdrniger Baryt, llatss, b. ii. 2. s. 441. Id. End. b. i. s. l6j). Id. Suck, lr th. s. 701. Id. Bert. s. 124. Id. Mohs, b. ii. s. 206'. Id. Leonhard, Tabel. s. 3 ( J.—Baryte sul- phatec grcnue, Brong. t. i. p. 2.73.—Sclnippiger Baryt, Haus. s. 133.—Kdrniger Baryt, Karxien, Tabel. s. 3-1 Baryte sul- phatee granuluire, Ham), Tab!, p. 13.—Kdrniger Baryt, Le.nz, b- ii. s. 891.—Granular IIe«vy-Spar, Aikin, p. 14a- External Characters. *l'he colours are snow, yellowish, greyish, and reddish white,