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EARTHY HEAVY-SPAR. 269 White; and sometimes Incline to pale yellowish-grey, and straw-yellow. It occurs sometimes loose, sometimes cohering. It is composed of dull or glimmering dusty particles, which feel meagre, and are heavy. Constituent Parts. It is Sulphate of Barytes. Geognostic and Geographic Situations. It occurs in drusy cavities in veins of heavy-spar, in Staffordshire and Derbyshire; at Freyberg in Saxony, and Mies in Bohemia; and it occurs in veins, or in large nests, in marl, at Canstein in Westphalia. Observations. 1. It is distinguished from all other earthy minerals, hy its great specific gravity. 2. Some mineralogists are of opinion, that is disinte grated compact Heavy-spar; and others maintain that it is an original formation ; which latter opinion }s counte nanced in those instances where the earthy heavy-spar °ccurs in close cavities. SecoiJ