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WITIIFRITE. 267 Carbonate of Ba rytes, 98.2 AC Carbonate of Strontian, 1.703 A'umina, with Iron, 0.04-3 Carbonate of Copper, 0.009 100.000 Klaproth, Beit. b. ii. s. 8< Gcognostic and Geographic Situations. It occurs in Cumberland and Durham, in lead-veins tliat traverse a flcetz limestone, which rests on red sand stone, and in these it is associated with coralloidal arrago- nite, lnown-spar, earthy fluor-spar, heavy-spar, and galena °r leadglance, white lead-ore, green lead-ore, copper-py- r itcs, azure copper-ore, malachite, iron pyrites, sparry iron- 0r e, calamine, and blende. In these counties, it is met "dth at Aldstone in Cumberland ; Arkendale, Welhope, an 'J Dufton in Durham. It also occurs at Merton Fell in Westmoreland; Snailhack mine in Shropshire; and at Anglesark in Lancashire, in a vein of galena, along with I'oavy-spar. It is associated with sparry ironstone near Steinbauer, not far from Neuberg and Mariazell in Sti- r * a: in the Leogang in Salzburg, along with sparry u on- stone, and copper pyrites. Asia.—At Schlangenbcrg and Zincof, in the Altain fountains. Uses. It is a very active poison, and in some districts, as in ^iimberland, it is employed fur the purpose ol destioying rats. When dissolved bv muriatic acid, the solution of Muriate of barytes thus obtained, is said to prove service able in scrofula. Observations. Constituent Parts. Uarvtes, 7A.5 Carbonic acid, 22.5 100.0 Vaotfuelin. Barytes, 79.66 Carbonic acid, 20.00 Water, - 0.33 99.99 Burholt, in Beitr. 7i. Clicm. I. iv.