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262 JJORACITE FAMILY. 3. Boracite. Iioracit, Wtrntr. Boracit, TVid. s. 533. Id. Kirrv. vol. i. p. 172 Id. Eslncr, b. ii. s. 106J. Id. Emm. b. i. s. 509. Id. Nap p. 370. Id. Broch t. i. p. 5SQ Id. Iiaut/, t. ii. p. 337. Id Beu.sx, 1). ii. 2. s. 372 Id. hud. b. i. s. ICO. Id. Suck, l r til. s. 578. Id. Bcrl. s. 157. Id. Mohx, b ii. s. 232.—Magnesie boratee, Lucas, p. 20.—Borazit, Leonhard, Tabel. s. 41.— agnesie boratee, Brong. t. i. p. 167. Id. Brard, p. fiS.—Rontcit, Karsien, Tabel. s. 48. Id. Haus. s 120 Id Kid, vol. i. p. 118.—Magnesie boratee, Hatty, Tnbl. p 16.—Borazit, Lenz, b. ii. s. 855. Id. Oken, b. i. s. 399 Id. Aikin, p. 127. External Characters. Its colours arc greyish and yellowish ■white, which passes into yellowish-grey, ash-grey, smoke-grey, and pale greenish-grey. It has been hitherto found only in a regularly crystal lised state, in the following figures : 1. Cube. a■ Perfect. h. More or less deeply truncated on all the angle* and edges *. c. The edges only truncated. d. The angles only truncated. ' e. Truncated on all the edges; but only the alter nate angles truncated f. The crystals are seldom middle-sized, more generally small, and very small, and \ery rarely two cubes aro grown together. The • Magnesie boratee surabnndante. Ilauy* + Magnesie boratee defective, Hauy.