EARTHY BOTRYOLITE. 2(71 Observations. 1. It is distinguished by its colours, botryoidal shape, concentric curved lamellar concretions, delicate and stel lular fibrous fracture, its pearly lustre, and specific gra vity. 2. It was first described by Abildgaard of Copenhagen, under the name Semi-globular Zeolite. Its chemical pro perties were first noticed by Esmark, who, from the ef fects produced on it by the blowpipe, conjectured that it contained boracie acid. This conjecture was confirmed by the experiments of Galin and Ilausmann, who disco vered, that, like datolite, it contained boraeic acid, lime, and silica ; and Ilausmann, on account of its botryoidal shape, gave it the name it now bears. Second Subspecies. Earthy Botryolite. Iirdiger Botryolith, Ilausmann. I'-rdiger Botryolith, Ilaat s 122. Id. I.enz, b. ii. s 859- External Characters. Its colour is snow-white. It is small botryoidal. ‘ It is dull. I’he fracture is earthy. Gcognoslic and Geographic Situation. If occurs along with the fibrous subspecies. 113 3. Boracite.