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VULPINITE. Constituent Parts. Sulphate of Lime, - Silica, 8-° 100.0 Vauquelin, in Bulletin <les Sciences de la Societc Philomatique, N. 9.; Jour nal de Physique, t. xlvii. p. 101.; Journal des Mines, N. xxxiv. Gcognostic and Geographic Situations. It occurs along with granular foliated limestone, and is sometimes associated with quartz, and occasionally with sulphur. It is found at Vulpino in Italy. Uses. 1. It takes a very fine polish, and is employed by the statuaries of Bergamo and Milan for making slabs, chim- ney-picces, See. It is known to artists by the name Hlarmo bardiglio di Bergamo. 2. It was first particularly noticed by Fleuriau. 4. Glauberite. Glauberite, Brongniart. Glauberite, Brong. Journal de* Mines, t. xxiii. p. Unuijf, Tab!, p. 28. Id. Lenz, b. ii. s. 950- ld - Aikin> P ' l39> External Characters. Its colours are greyish-white, and wine-jellow. ^ It occurs crystallised, in very low oblique four-sided prisms, the lateral edges of which arc 104° 28' and nr,°