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COMPACT GYPSUM. 233 Second Subspecies. Compact Gypsum. Dichter Gyps, Werner. Gvpsum alabasti'um,’ et Gypsum sequabile, ff oil. t. j- p. lGl, 162—Dichter Gyps, Wid. s. 544.—Compact Gypsum, Kirw. vol. i. p. 121.—Dichter Gyps, Estner, b. ii. s. 1098. Id. Emm. b. i. s. 529-—Gesso compatto alabastro, Nap. p. 38-1. Alabastrite, Lam. t. ii. p. 76.—Chaux sulpbatee compacte, Ham), t. ii. p. 26G.—Le Gypse compacte, Brock, t. i. p. 602. Dichter Gyps, Reuss, b. ii. 2. s. 393. Id. Lud. b. i. s. 163. Id. Such lr th. s. 670. Id. Bert. s. 105. Id. Molts, b. ii. s. 179. Id. Hub. s. 86.—Chaux sulphatee compacte, Lucas, p. 13. Dichter Gyps, Leonhard, Tabel. s. 37.—Chaux sul phate Gypse compacte, Brong. t. i. p. 174.—Chaux sulphatee compacte, Bmrd, p. 52.—Dichter Selenit, Hans. s. 125.— Dichter Gyps, Karstcn, Tabel. s. 52.—Chaux sulphatee com pacte, Hauy, Tabl. p. 10—Dichter Gyps, Lenz, b. ii. s. 834. —Massive Gyspum, Aikin, p. 138. External Characters. Its colours are snow, yellowish, reddish, and greyish white ; smoke, yellowish, ash, bluish and greenish grey, pale sky-blue, and violet-blue ; a colour intermediate be tween brownish and brick red, seldom flesh-red, some times honey-yellow. Frequently several colours occur *n the same piece, and these are either spotted, flamet, striped, or veined. It occurs massive. It is generally dull, seldom feebly glimmering. The fracture is even, passing into line splintery.