■ ACICULAR, OR NEEDLE ARRAGONITE. 207 Africa.—In the lavas or trap rocks of the Isle de Bour bon. Observations. 1. Arragonite is distinguished from Calcareous-spar, by its crystallizations, fracture, lustre, superior hardness, and specific gravity. 2. This mineral has received several names at different periods: the common and prismatic varieties have been t named Arragonian Apatite, Arragoman Calc-spar, and Hard Calcareous-spar ; and the pyramidal varieties have been described under the names Iglit or Jgloit, and Flos Jerri. 3. The discovery of Strontian Earth in arragonite, re conciles the differences that formerly existed amongst chemists and mineralogists, in regard to the claim of that mineral to the rank of a distinct species. XXI. APA- V