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BITUMINOUS MARL-SLATE. 197 Gchre-yellow. It occurs massive. It is dull. The frac ture is uneven, and earthy. The fragments are blunt- edged. It is soft, passing into friable. It feels meagre and rough. It is not particularly heavy. When rubbed with any body, it shines in the dark: it even becomes phosphorescent by rubbing with paper. Its phospho rescence is increased by heating. It occurs in a bed on the Leutra, near Jena. 9. Bituminous Marl-Slate. Bituminoser Mergelschiefer, Werner. Bituminoscr Mergelschiefer, Wid. s. 526.—Bituminous Mailite, Kirw. vol. i. p. 103.—Bituminoscr Mergelschiefer, Estner, b. ii. s. 1035 Id. Emm. b. i. s. 498.—Schisto mamo bitu- minoso, Nap. p. 363.—I.e Schiste marneusc bitumincux, Jiroch. t. i. p. 574.—Bituminciser Mergelschiefer, Reuse, b. ii. 2. s. 376. Id. End. b. i. s 157- Id. Such lr th. s. 646- Id. Bert. s. 116. Id. Moks,,b. ii. s. 132. Id. Hah. s. 74. Id. Leonhard, Tabel. s. 36. Id. Karst. Tabel. s. 50. Id. Hans. s. 127. Id. Lenz, b. ii. s. 736. Id. Okcn, b. i. s. 405. External Characters. Its colour is intermediate between greyish-black and brownish-black. It occurs massive, in whole beds. Its lustre is glimmering, glistening, or shining. Its fracture is straight or curved slaty. The fragments are slaty in the large, but indetermi nate and rather sharp angular in the small. It is opaque. It is shining and resinous in the streak. N » I*