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fRISMATIC LUCULLITE. 189 Observations. This mineral, which was first discovered by Von Moll, in the Russbachthal in Salzburg, was named by him Madreporite, on account of the resemblance of its pris matic concretions to certain lithophytes. It was first described by Schroll, and analysed by Heim *. Accord ing to Heim, it contains, Lime, 63.250, Alumina, 10.125, Silica, 12.500, Oxide of iron, 10.988. The same result is said to have been obtained in the School of Mines in Paris "|*; but both differ so much from the analysis of Klaproth, that we do not hesitate in considering them as erroneous. The publication of Klaproth’s chemical exa mination, induced Von Moll to name it Antkraconite, on account of the carbon which it contains J ; and Dr John, from its intimate connection, both mineralogical and chemical, with Common Lucullite and Stinkstone, ar ranges it in the system along with these minerals. Third Subspecies. Foliated or Sparry Lucullite. Spathiger Lucullan, John. Spathiger Lucullan, John, Chem. Laborat. b. ii. s. 250. Id. Lem, b. ii. s. 772. External Characters. Its colours are yellowish, greyish, and greenish-white; also bluish-grey, and greyish and velvet black. It * Von Motl’i Jahrbuclier dei' Berg und HUttenkunde, later Band, s. 891.-30.1, + Uauy. Traitc dc Mineralogic, t. iv. p. 379, 379. i Ephem, tier- Berg, und HUtt. 2. b. ii. li«f »> 304