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388 LIMESTONE FAMILY. When rubbed, it emits a strong smell of sulphureted hydrogen gas. Specific gravity, 2.653, 2.688, 2703, John. Chemical Characters. When pounded and boiled in water, it gives out a he patic odour, which continues but for a short time. The filtrated water possesses weak alkaline properties, and contains a small quantity of a muriatic and sulphuric salt. It does not appear to be affected by pure alkalies. It dissolves with effervescence in nitrous and muriatic acids, and leaves behind a coal-black or brownish-coloured residuum. From Stavern in Norway. Carbonic Acid, 41.50 Lime, - 53.37 Oxide of Man ganese, 0.75 Oxide of Iron, 1.25 Oxide of Carhori, 1.25 Sulphur, - 0.25 Alumina, 1.25 Silica, - 1.25 Alkali, Alkaline Muriate, Wa ter, Magnesia, Zircon ia, 2.13 100.00 John, Chem. Laborat. b. ii. s. 246. Constituent Parts. From Greenland. Carbonic Acid, 41.53 Lime, - 53.00 Oxide of Manga nese, - 1.00 Oxide of Iron, 0.75 Oxide of Carbon, 1.00 Sulphur, - 0.50 Alumina, - 0.75 Silica, Alkali, Al kaline Muriate, Water, 1.47 100-00 John, ib. s. 248. From Garphytta, in Ncrickc in Sweden. Carbonic Acid, 41.75 Lime, - 54.00 Oxide of Man ganese, 0.50 Oxide of Iron, 0.75 Brown Oxide of Carbon, 0.75 Sulplmr, Alkali, Alkaline Mu riate and Sul phate, Watei, 2.25 100.00 John, ib. s. 250. Geognostic and Geographic Situations. At Stavern in Norway, it appears to occur in transition rocks: in alum-slate at Garphytta in Nericke: in Green land ; and iu the Russbachthal in Salzburg. Observation