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STINKSTONE, OR SWINESTONE. 185 It is opaque, and only the cream-yellow varieties trans lucent on the edges. It is semi-hard. It affords a greyish-white coloured streak ; and when rubbed, emits the smell of sulphureted hydrogen gas. It is brittle. It is easily frangible. Specific variety, 2.750, slaty variety from Bottendorf, Chemical Characters. Nearly the same as in the preceding kind. Constituent Parts. From Bottendorf. Carbonate of Lime, - 148- -149.00 Silica, - 7.00 Alumina, - 5.25 Oxide of Iron, 2.50 Oxide of Manganese, 1.00 Oxide of Carbon, and a little Bitumen, 0.50 Lime 1.00 Sulphur, Alkali, Salt, Water, 3.75 170.00 John, Chem. Laborat. t. ii. s. 242. Geognostic Situation. 'Phis mineral occurs in beds, in the first flcetz lime stone, and occasionally alternates with the first floetz §ypsum, and with beds of clay. In some places, the strata are quite straight, in others have a zig-zag direc tion I have copied the above analysis from Dr John’s work; yet I do not how it u possible that 1 part of time could be discovered aloog with 149 of Carbonate of Lime,