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182 LIMESTONE FAMILY. Constituent Parts. Lime, . . . 53,38 Carbonic Acid, - - 41.50 Black Oxide of Carbon, - 0.75 Magnesia, and Oxide of Manganese, 0.12 Oxide of Iron, - - 0.25 Silica, . . . i.i3 Sulphur, . _ . 0.25 Potash, combinations of Muriatic and Sulphuric Acids, and Water, 2.02 ' 100.00 John, Cliem. Laborat. b. ii. s. 240. Geognostic Situation. The geognostic relations of this mineral are still but little known : it is said to occur in beds in transition and older floetz rocks. Geographic Situation. Hills of this mineral occur in the district of Assynt in Sutherland. It is the Assynt or Sutherland Marble of artists *. Varieties of it are met with at Ashford, Mat lock, and Monsaldale, in Derbyshire: at Kilkenny; at Grayleath, in the county of Down ; at Kilcrump, in the county of Waterford ; at Churchtown, in the county of Cork; and in the county of Galway, in Ireland. The black marbles of Dinan and Namur, in the Nether lands, are of the same nature. Faujas St Fond' is said to have discovered the old quarries of this mineral work ed by the ancients, two leagues from Spa, not far from Aix-la-Chapelle. Uses. * Geological Transactions, voL ii. p. 408, 409, 410.