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foliated granular limestone. First Kind. Foliated Granular Limestone. Blattriger Korniger Kalkstein, Werner. Calcareus micans, Wall. t. i. p. 126.; Calcareus imcquabilis, Id. p. 128.; Marmor unicolor album, Id. p. 133. Korniger Kalkstein, Wid. s. 496-—Foliated and Granular Limestone, Kirw. vol. i. p. 84.—Korniger Kalkstein, Estner, b. ii. s. 931. Id. Emm. b. i. s. 445.—Pierre calcaire grenue, Broch. t. l. p, 53i.—Chaux carbonatec sajcaroide, Ham/, t. ii. p. 164. Korniger Kalkstein, Reuss, b. ii. 2. s. 273. Id. Lud. b. L s. 148. Id. Suck. l r th. s. 593.—Kleinbl'attricher Kalkstein, Bert. s. 89- Kornigblattricher Kalkstein, Molts, b. ii. s. 28. Id. Hab. s. 74.—Gemeiner korniger Kalkstein, Leonhard, Tabel. s. 32. Chaux carbonatee saecaroide, Brong. t. i. p. 192. Id. Brard, p. 28— Marmor, Ylaus. s. 126—Korniger Kalk stein, Karst. Tabel. s. 50.—Marble, Kid, vol. i. p. 4.—Chaux carbonatee lamcllaire, et Chaux carbonatee saecaroide, et Chaux carbonatee sub-granulaire, Haiti/, Tabl. p. 5. Kor- nigcr Kalkstein, Lenz, b. ii. s. 739—Halbgeformiter Kalk, Oken, b. i. s. 409* External Characters. Its most common colour is white, of which it presents the following varieties: snow-white, yellowish-white, greyish-white, and greenish-white, seldom reddish-w hite. from greyish-white it passes into bluish-grey, greenish, grey, ash-grey, smoke-grey; and from this latter into greyish black ? From reddish-white it passes into pearl- grey, and llesh-red ; from yellowish-white into cream- yellow ; and from greenish-white into siskin-green, and olive-green. It