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116 LIMESTONE FAMILY. 2. Slate-Spar. Schieferspath, Werner. Shieferspath, Wid. s. 510.—Argentine, Kiriv. vol. i. p. 105.— Schisto-spatho, Nap. p. 355 Schifferspath, Lam. t. i. p. 385. —Le Spatli seliistcux, ou le Schieferspath, Broch. t. i. p. 558. Schieferspath, Reuss, b. ii. s. 50. Id. Lud. b. i. s. 152. Id. Suck. l r th. s. 626. Id. Bert. s. 95. Id. Mohs, b. ii. s. 3. Id. Hab. s. 81. Id. Leonhard, Tabel. s. 34.—Chaux carbo nate nacre argentine, Brrng. t. i. p. 232.—Yerhsertcter Aphrit, Karsten, Tabel. s. 50.—Chaux carbonatee nacre pri mitive, Hauy, Tabl. p. 6.—Schieferspath, Lenz, b. ii. s. 761 • —Schieferige Schaumcrde, Oken, b. i. s. 394. External Characters. Its colours are greenish-white, reddish-white, yellow ish-white, greyish-white, and snow-white. It occurs massive and disseminated. The lustre is intermediate between shining and glis tening, and is pearly. The fracture is common curved, and undulating curved foliated, with a single cleavage; and in the large, it in clines to slaty. * The fragments are either indeterminate angular and blunt-edged, or are slaty. It occurs in distinct concretions, which are large and coarse granular, and sometimes also thin and curved la mellar. It is feebly translucent, or only translucent on the edges. It is soft. It is intermediate between scctile and brittle. It