. i 112 t)OLOMITE FAMILY. The fragments are wedge-shaped. It occurs in wedge-shaped distinct concretions, which have glimmering and longitudinally streaked surfaces. It is translucent. It is brittle. It is easily frangible. Constituent Parts. Carbonate of Lime, si.sa Carbonate of Magnesia, * 32.00 Carbonate of Iron, 7.50 Carbonate of Manganese, 2.00 Water, - - - 5.00 98.00 Klaproth, Beit. b. iv. s. 203. Geographic Situation. It is found at the mine named Segen Gottes at Gers- dorf in Saxony ; and that of Valenciana at Guanuaxuato in Mexico. Observations. It is distinguished from the other subspecies of Brown - spar by fracture, fragments, distinct concretions, and transparency. 4. Gurhofite. Gurhofian, Karsten. Gurhofian, Klaproth, in Magazin der Gcsellch. dcr Natuii- Freiinde, b. i. s. 257.—Gurofian, Karsten, Tabol. s. 50. Id. Klap. Beit, b, v. s. 103. Id. Lent, b. ii. s. 724. External Characters. Its colour is snow-white. It