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FOLIATED BROWN-SPAR. 107 First Subspecies. Foliated Brown-Spar. Blattriger Braunspath, Werner. Spath pcrle, liomd dc Lisle, t. i. p. 605.—Braunspath, H id. s. 515.—Sidero-calcite, Kino. vol. i. p. 105.—Braunspath, Eslner, b. ii. s. 999- Id. Emm. b. i. s. 79-—Brunispato, Nap. p. 356—L* Spath hrunissant, ou lc Braunspath, Brock. t. i. p. 56'3.—Gemeiner Braunspath, lleuss, b. i. s. 50. Id. Lud. h. i. s. 153. Id. Suck, lr tli. s. 630. Id. Bert. s. 118. Id. Molts, 1>. ii. s. 108.—Spatliiger Braunkalk, I lab. s. 82.— . Chaux earbonatee manganesifcrc, Lucas, p. 8—Spathigcr Braunkalk, Leonhard, Tabel. s. 35.—Chaux earbonatee bru- nissante, Brong. t. i. p. 237-—Gemeiner Braunspath, Kurst. Tnbcl. s. 50.—Chaux earbonatee ferro-manganesienne, Bour- »on, Traite, t. i. p. 277-—Pcarl-Spar, Kid, vol. i. p. 56.— Chaux earbonatee ibrro-manganesifcre, Ham/, Tabl. p. 5.— Gemeiner Braunkalk, Lens, b. ii. s. 717-—Gemeiner Braun spath, Oken, h. i. s. 394. External Characters. Its colours are milk-white, yellowish-white, reddish- "diite, and greyish-white; yellowish-grey, and pearl- g 1- ev; flesh-red,rose-red, and brownish-red; clove brown, reddish-brown, liver brown, cliesnut-brown, and brown ish olive green; also creant-vellow, and ochre-yellow; a,| d brownish-black, and pitch-black. Frequently seve ral colours occur in the same mass ; and it is often va riegated with a yellow, pinchbeck-brown, and bronze like tarnish. It occurs massive, disseminated, rdobulaf, stalactitic, reniform, with tabular and ..... . mdal impressions; and cr ystallised in the following figures; 1. Rhomb,