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FLEXIBLE COMPACT DOLOMITE. 101 Second Kind. Flexible Compact Dolomite. Flexible Limestone, Thomson. External Characters. I ts colour is yellowish-grey, passing into cream-yellow. It occurs massive. It is dull. The fracture is earthy in the small, but slaty in the large. It is opaque. It yields readily to the knife, but with difficulty to the nail. In thin plates it is remarkably flexible. Specific gravity, 2.544, Thomson. This is probably below the truth, as the stone is porous. Chemical Characters. It dissolves in acids as readily as common carbonate of lime. G 3 Constituent the neighbourhood of Sunderland, and sent coastwise, both to the north and to the south. It goes in great abundance to Aberdeenshire. As no complaints have ever been mode of its being injurious, when employed a* a manure, it would be curious to know whether this circumstance bo owing to the soil on which it is put, or to the small quantity of it used, in conse quence of its price, occasioned by its long carriage; for it appears, from Mr Tennant’s statement, that at Ferrybridge, the farmers arc aware that it docs not answer as a manure so well as pure carbonate of lime.”—Annals *J 1‘hilttopky, vo i. j v . p . 418,