DOLOMITE-SPAR, OR RHOMB-SPAR. 95 Constituent Parts. Hall, in the Tyrol. Carbonate of Lime, 68.00 Carbonate of Mag nesia, - 25.50 Carbonate of Iron, 1.00 Water, - - 2.00 Clay intermixed, 2.00 98.50 Klaproth, Beit. b. iv. s. 238. Near Newton-Stcwart in Galloway. Carbonate of Lime, 56.60 Carbonate of Magnesia, 42.00 98.60 Or by another result: Carbonate of Lime, 56.2 Carbonate of Magnesia, 43.5 98.9 With a trace of Manganese and Iron.—Murray *. Taberg, in Wermeland. Carbonate of Lime, 73.00 Carbonate of Mag nesia, - 25.00 Oxide of Iron, mixed with Manganese, 2.25 100.25 Klaproth, b. i. s. 306. Lime, 28.00 Magnesia, 25.05 Carbonic Acid, 48.00 Oxide of Man ganese, 1.05 With a trace of Iron. Bucholz. Geognoslic Situation. It occurs imbedded in chlorite-slate, talc-slate, lnne- *tone, and serpentine, occasionally associated with as- bestus and tremolite; in the salt formation, where it is imbedded in anhydrite; in drusy cavities in compact do lomite, and in metalliferous veins. > Geographic * The above analvsii wiw communicated to me by my friend Dr Mur- ruy.