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DOLOMITE-SPAR, OR RHOMB-SPAR. 93 granular foliated limestone, but a very feeble one with dolomite. 3. The flexible variety of dolomite was first noticed in the Borghese Palace in ltome, by Ferber : it was after wards found on the mountain of Campo Longo, in the St Gothard group, by Fleuriau de Bellvue. It was sold at a very high price, until the publication of Fleunau de Bellvue’s experiments, by which it appeared, that the other varieties of dolomite, and also common granular limestone, could be rendered flexible, by exposing them in thin and long slabs, for six hours, to a heat of 200° ot lleaumur. Second Subspecies. Dolomite-Spar, or Rhomb-Spar. Itautenspath, Werner. Bitterspath, JVid. s. 518.—Crystallized Muricalcite, Kinv. vol. f. p. 92—Bitterspath, Emm. b. iii. s. 353.—Spato Magnesiano, Nap. p. 358.—Bitterspath, Lam. t.ii. p. 34-7—Chaux carbonate tnagncsiee, Ilauy, t. ii. p. 187.—Be Spath magnesien, ou le Bitterspath, Brock, t. i. p. 5fi0.—Bitterspath, Keuss, b. ii- 2- s. 330.—Rautenspath, Lad. b. i. s. 154.—Grtneincr Bittcr- spath, Suck, lr th. s. 634.—Rautenspath, Bert. s. 113. Id. Moks, b. ii. s. 96- 98.—Bitterspath, Hah. s. 83.—Gemeiner Bitterspath, Leonhard, Tabel. s. 35.—Chaux carbonatee lente, I’icrite, Brong. t. i. p. 230.—Rhomboedrischer Dolomit, Kar- slen, Tabel. s. 50.—Gemeiner Bitterspath, Ilaus. s. 128— Chaux carbonatee magnesifere, Brard, p. 38.—Rhomb-spar, A id, vol. i. p. 57.—Chaux carbonate magnesifere primitive, Ilauy, Tabl. p. 5.—Rautenspath, Lenz, b. ii. s. 710. Id. Okeit, b. i. s. 393, External Characters. Its colours are greyish-white, yellowish-white, and yel lowish-grey, which latter passes into pea-yellow. It