674 APPENDIX. sulphate of soda 33*34, sulphate of protoxide of manganese 0*33, chloride of sodium 0*33, sulphate of protoxide of iron 0*34, water 22*00. Was found at Ischel. CARPHOSIDERITE.—Botryoidal and reniform. Lustre fatty. Straw-yellow, h = 4*0. ..4*5. a = 2*49. ..2*51. Ac cording to Harkort, is a hydrous phosphate of iron oxide with some zinc oxide. Labrador. CHLORIDE OE IRON.—Earthy. Dull. Brownish-red. Deliquesces when exposed to the air. Sublimes before the blowpipe. Easily soluble in water and in alcohol. i*e 2 ci 3 , chlorine 65*02, iron 34*98. Is found as a sublimate investing other minerals on Vesuvius and in Iceland. CHLORIDE OE VANADIUM.—The only notice we have of this mineral is in a letter from Del Rio, of April, 1837, in which he states that he had named it zimapanio, and that when he first saw it he supposed it to be a reddish- brown ferruginous clay, which it much resembles. W11other it is chloride of vanadium or not, the editors cannot say. It occurs as a thin earthy coating on crystals of vanadiate of lead, and is disseminated in small quantities through the matrix which accompanies the vanadiate. DELVAUXINE. — Amorphous. Eracture conchoidal. Opaque...translucent on the edges. Lustre waxy...dull. Brownish-black... brownish-yellow. Streak light brownish-yel low. h = 2*5. g = 1*85. Analyses a, b by Dumont, c by Delvaux:— a Phosphoric acid .... 16*04 16*57 Red oxide of iron . . . 34*20 36*62 40*44 "Water 49*76 46*81 41*13 Was found near Vise in Belgium. DIADOCHITE.—Amorphous. Eracture conchoidal. Trans lucent... opaque. Lustre waxy...vitreous. Yellow...yellowish- brown. Streak white. H = 3*0. G = 2*035...2*037. Analysis by Plattnerphosphoric acid 14*05, sulphuric acid 14*37, red oxide of iron 37*65, water 33*30. Is found in reniform masses in the alum-shale works at Arnsbach near Grafenthal and at Grarnsdorf near Saalfeld in the Thiiringer Waid. b e 18*20 DREELITE. — Rhomhohedral. r 100. rr'= 86°... 87°. Cleavage, r. Lustre pearly, dull. White. H = 3*5. G —