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G42 APPENDIX. BUSTAMITE is a cleavable variety of rhodonite from Real de Minas de Fetela in Mexico, containing a large quantity of lime. Columnar, radiating. Greenish-grey, reddish-grey, n = 5-5. g = 3-12...3-23. According to Dumas contains:—silica 48-90, protoxide of manganese 36-06, lime 14-67, protoxide of iron °-8l Photizite, hydropite, hornmangan, diaphorite, allagite are mechanical mixtures of rhodonite, with quartz and diallogite. BOLTONITE. — (Shepard.) Granular. Cleavage in one direction distinct; in two other directions less distinct. Frac ture uneven...small conchoidal. Lustre vitreous. Blueish- grey, yellowish-grey, yellow, white. h = 5-5. g = 3-008. Analysis by B. Silliman:—silica 46'06, alumina 6-67, magnesia 38 15, protoxide of iron 8"63, lime 1-52. Is found massive in a limestone quarry at Bolton in Massachusetts. BREISLAKITE occurs in delicate capillary crystals. Translucent. Lustre imperfect metallic. Yellowish, reddish, ehesnut-brown. Fusible before the blowpipe into an iron-black, magnetic slag. Is found in felt-like aggregations of crystals, in cavities of lava at Viterbo on Capo di Bove near Rome, and in some other parts of Italy. BYTOWNITE, from Bytown in Canada, according to the analysis by T. S. Hunt, is christianite. Greenish-white. 11 = 6'5. o = 2'732...2'733. Silica 47'40, alumina 30'45, lime 14-24, magnesia 0'87, protoxide of iron 0-80, soda 2-82, potash o\38, water 2'00. The amount of water renders it probable that the mineral was partially decomposed. CORUNDELLITE.— (B. Silliman. Silliman’s Journal. 1849. 8. 380.) In broad foliated masses of a yellowish-white colour, easily cleavable, and apparently hexagonal. Inelastic, brittle, h = 3-5. g = 3'0. Analysis by I. J. Crooke:— silica 35-71, alumina 53'13, lime 7’27, potash 1'22, soda 0'41, water and fluorine 2 30. Is found in foliated masses and scales dis seminated through corundum at TTnionville in Pennsylvania. COUZERANTTE.—This mineral, as noticed by Mr. Brooke in the Phil. Mag. for August, 1831, is described in Leonhard’s Handbuch on the authority of Charpentier as a right reetan- P r ^ sm ’ an< l b y Dufresnoy in the Ann. de Chim. v. 38, P- 280, as an oblique rhombic prism. Is found in the valleys of eix and Salaix, the Col de la Trappe and the Picou de Gen, in lies Couzerans in the Pyrenees.