626 BESIKS. Transparent. Lustre pearly. Colourless. Unctuous to the touch. Without taste or smell. Melts at 46° c, and on cooling forms a crystalline mass. Sparingly soluble m anhydrous alcohol. Easily soluble in aether. Analysis of fichtelite from Bedwitz by Bromeis : Carbon S9‘3 Hydrogen 10'7 Is found in flat acicular crystals, between the yearly rings of pine stems, in a bed of turf at Bedwitz near the Eichtelgebirge. 468. HAETITE.—Hartite; Dufrenoy. Hartit; Hausmann, Haidinger. Traces of cleavage. Eracture conchoidal. Translucent. Lustre fatty, feeble. White, h = ro. a = 1 ’. 046- flexible. Sectile. At 74° c melts into a clear fluid. When heated emits a smell like that of amber. Burns with a smoky flame. Eeadily soluble in sether, much less soluble in alcohol. Analyses of hartite from Oberhart by Schrotter : — Carbon 87,47 8750 Hydrogen 12'05 1210 Is found in clefts in brown coal and fossil wood at Oberhart near Gloggnitz in Austria. 464. OZOKEBITE. — Ozokerite ; Dufrenoy. Ozokerit; Hausmann, Haidinger. Eracture in one direction flat conchoidal, in other direc tions splintery. Lustre waxy, more or less bright on the con choidal fracture, glimmering on the splintery fracture, in thin fragments transparent... translucent on the edges. By reflected light dark leek-green inclining to brown, by transmitted light vellowish-brown, honey-yellow and hyacinth-red. Streak yel lowish-white. H = ro. a = 0-94...0-97. Sectile tough and flexible ; can be cut like wax; when warmed may be kneaded between the fingers. Smell aromatic and bituminous. Acquires resinous electricity by friction. . At 62° 0 melts into a clear oily liquid, which becomes solid on cooling. Burns with a bright slightly smoky flame. Easily soluble in oil of turpentine, with difficulty m asther and alcohol. CH, carbon 85'72, hydrogen 14’28. Analyses of ozokerite from Slanik a by Magnus, b by Schrotter, c, d, e by Malagutti, f from Urpeth by Johnston :