IODITE. 615 ad 90° o' oa 54 44 (fig. 619.) Combination, oa. The faces a rough. Cleavage, a, traces. Fracture hackly. Lustre adamantine. Sulphur-yellow... sis kin-green on a freshly fractured surface; olive-green... aspa ragus-green on the exterior. Perfectly malleable, ii = 2'0. G = 6’789... 5-806. 2AgBr + 3AgCl. Analysis by Plattner :— Bromine 20 - 09 Chlorine 13‘06 Silver 66'86 Is found in crystals and cleavable masses, and disseminated, in limestone, in the Colorado mine at Copiapo in Chile. 446. BBOMITE. —Bromure d’Argent; Dufreiloy. Brom- silber; Ilausmann. Bromit; Haidinger. Cubic. a loo, o ill. ad 90° o' 00 70 32 (figs. 615, 616.) Forms, a, o. Bright. Olive-green, passing into yellow; acquires a grey tarnish. Streak siskin-green, u 10...2‘0. Melts very easily before the blowpipe. Is but feebly acted upon by acids. Soluble in warm concentrated ammonia. AgBr, bromine 42’66, silver 67'44. Analysis of bromite from Mexico by Berthier Bromine 42'5 Silver 57'6 Is found rather abundantly, in very small crystals and crys talline grains, with kerate and cerussite, in the mine of San Onofre in the district of Plateros in Mexico, with kerate in the silver mines of Copiapo in Chile, and sparingly among the ores of Huelgoet in Bretagne. 447 IODITE.—Iodic silver ; Phillips. Iodure d’Argent; Beudant. Iodinsilber; Molis. Iodsilber ; Ilausmann. Iodit; Haidinger. Transparent...translucent. Lustre resinous, approaching to