560 vasadiates. . ® e ^ ore . ^j 10 blowpipe on charcoal intumesces and melts into a dark grey metallic bead, surrounded by globules of reduced lead. With borax and salt of phosphorus in the outer flame forms a green glass; in the inner flame, especially after adding tin, a red glass. With soda on platinum wire forms a glass which is green while hot, and yellow when cold, and colours water yellow with chromate of soda. Is soluble in residue g a green solution > and leaving a yellow chSctid S’ 6 '’’ 0 ” d,, ° f “ 60 ''- ° f “K"* >«•'. Analysis by Berzelius :— Chromic acid 2 8 - 33 Oxide of lead Oxide of copper . . . . . 10 '80 Is found m twin crystals, botryoidal and compact masses with lehmannite, in veins of quartz, at Beresowsk in the Ural’ Sorfh America 1 ’ 0 “ ^ BraZilS ’ P ° ntgibaud in ^rgnei v AJUIATJSO, y^-^A.DI]MITE.—Plomb vanadiate ; Dufrenov Va- nadmbleierz; Mohs. Vanadinit; Hausmann, Haidinger. Bhombohedral. o ill, a oil. ao ad Tia. 557. 60 o Combination, oa. Fracture conchoidal. Feebly translucent...opaque. Lustre vitre ous. Yellow, brown, green, white. Streak white...yellow, h = 30. o = 0-83...6-89. Decrepitates when heated. Before the blowpipe on charcoal melts into a globule and is reduced to metallic lead, depositing a yellow sublimate on the charcoal. With salt of phosphorus colour T ei \ fl r e a glass which is of “ reddish-yellow the rmcr'fl 6 /• and ° f a y e d°wish-green colour when cold ; in acid tV,rmu? me 8 a c J lrorne 'gT reen glass. Dissolves in nitric a green snlnK 3 ^ ree ? 80 0n - With hydrochloric acid forms a green solution, leaving a residue of chloride of lead.