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PETALITE. 363 phosphorus, leaving a skeleton of silica, acids either before or after ignition. Is not acted upon by Analyses of spodumene from Uto a by Arfvedson, b by Stro- weyer, c by Regnault, d by Hagen, e from Mexico, /from the Tyrol, both by Hagen:— a b C d e / 66-40 63-29 6530 66-14 65*25 66 03 25-30 28'78 25-34 27-02 27*66 26-45 1-45 0-79 2-83 0-32 — 8'85 6-63 6’76 3‘84 1 i not. det. 0-45 0-78 Soda 2-68 I Silica .... Alumina Bed oxide of iron Lithia Volatile matter In analyses a, b, c a mixture of lithia and soda appears to nave been mistaken for pure lithia. Is found in imperfect crystals, and cleavable masses, in a bed iron ore in gneiss in the island of Uto, in granite at Sterzing u Ibsens in the Tyrol, Killiney in Ireland, Peterhead in Scotland, Sterling and some other places in Massachusetts. 206. PETALITE.—Petalite ; Phillips. Petalite ; Ilauy. t nsmatischer Petalin-Spath ; Mohs. Petalit : Hausmann, Haidingor. Cleavages parallel to three faces, r, m, s, in one zone; s, im perfect. rm = 38° 26', sm = 63° o'. Fracture imperfect conchoidal. Translucent. Lustre vitreous; pearly on the planes of most perfect cleavage. White, passing _o red, sometimes into green. Streak white. Brittle, h = 6 ‘°--.8-5. G = 2’38...2'43. Before the blowpipe melts easily into an opaque blebby glass, colouring the flame red. The redness of the flame becomes very evident when petalite is fused with fluor and bisulphate of potash. With borax melts into a clear glass. Is not decom posed by acids. Analyses of petalite from Uto a by Arfvedson, b by C. Hmelin, c, d by Hagen, e from Elba (castor) by Plattner:— abode 79-21 74 17 77-81 77'07 78'01 V. lum hla 17-23 17-41 17-19 18-00 18'86 Soda la 5 76 ) 6-16 f 9 2 ’ 66 2-76 — J 2-30 2-27 trace Boss by ignition . . — 2-17 — ** 0 -ei