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AXOITE. 349 Combinations, upr, uprsl, uprslx. ,z.y.o.n.e.m.v.w.i. The faces * rough; r, z striated parallel to their intersections with each other; u, I, and sometimes also v, p, striated parallel to their intersections with each other. Cleavage, v, y; p, m, traces ; A indistinct and interrupted. Eracture conchoidal... uneven. Transparent...translucent on the edges. Lustre vitreous. E = 1*735. Close brown of various shades, inclining to plumb- blue and pearl-grey. Exhibits trichroism. On looking through a crystal in the direction of either optic axis, a dark violet stripe is seen, interrupted at the point occupied by the axis. Brittle. 11 = 6*6...7*0. g = 3*29...3*30. Acquires vitreous electricity by friction. Pyroelectric. The angles uxp, uxp are analogous poles, and the angles rxp', rx'p antilogous poles. Before the blowpipe intumesces, and melts easily into a dark green glass, which becomes black in the outer flame. With borax and salt of phosphorus yields a glass coloured by iron, and in the outer flame becomes violet. In salt of phosphorus a skeleton of silica is left. With soda yields the reaction of manganese. With fluor spar and bisulphate of potash imparts a green colour to the flame. After fusion is completely de composed by hydrochloric acid, leaving a jelly of silica. Analyses of axinite a, b, c from Oisans, d from Treseburg, e from Berkutzkaja Gora near Miask, f from Oisans, in order to determine the red oxide of iron and boracic acid, all by Itam- melsberg:— a b e d e Silica . . . 43*47 43*68 not det. 43*74 43*72 Alumina . . 16*30 15*63 17*17 15*66 16*92 Bed ox. iron . 10*25 9*45 9*31 11*94 10*21 Ox. mang. 2*74 3*05 2*94 1*37 1*16 Bime . . . 19*90 20*67 20*00 18*90 19*97 Magnesia . . 1*56 1*70 1*94 1*77 2*21 Potash . . . 1 not 0*64 0*11 j 6*62 6*81 Boracic acid . J det. 6*61 not det. It appears from the nature of the analytical processes em ployed that the amount of boracic acid is less than 5*61 and greater than 3*40. In attached crystals and massive, usually in veins or beds in granite, diorite, diabase, gneiss, mica slate, clay slate. Is found at Bourg d’Oisans in Dauphine, Botallack in Corn wall, Bareges, Pic d’Eroslids and other places in the Pyrenees, Mont Anvert in Savoy, St. Gotthardt, Santa Maura in the Grisons, Monzoni in the Tyrol, in Saxony at Thum, Schneeberg, Schwarzenberg and Griinstadtel, Arendal and Kongsberg in Norway, near Philipstadt in Sweden, Berkutzkaja Gora near Miask in the Ural, Andreasberg and Treseburg in the Harz.