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CUBIC SYSTEM. 15 In the form 210, In the form 310, In the form 320, In the form 520, E = 36° 52', E = 53° 8', F = 22° 37', E = 46° 24', 0 = 30° 52'. G = 25° 6l'. G = 46° ll'. 51. In the form xoM, h being greater than k (fig. 20), ¥ — ¥ ¥ + ¥ ’ 30° 27'. EIG. 20. COSD = COSU hk ¥ + ¥' In the form ir012, D = 53° 8', U = 60° 25'. In the form r023, n = 67° 22', u = 02° 31'. In the form tt034, d = 73° 44', tr = 01° 19'. 52. In a combination of the forms loo, h/co, the faces of 100 truncate the solid angles of hko, in which the edges G meet. 210,100 = 20° 34', 310.100 = 18° 26', 320.100 = 33° 41', 410.100 = 14° 2', 430.100 = 30° 52', 620.100 = 21° 48', 640.100 = 38° 4o', 63° 26', 71° 34', 210,010 310.010 320.010 = 66° 19', 410.010 = 75° 58', jO r> f 210.001 = 90° O'. 310.001 = 90° O'. 320.001 = 90° O'. 410.001 = 90° O'. 430.001 = 90° O'. 520.001 = 90° O'. 430.010 = 63 520.010 = 08° 12', 640.010 = 61° 20', 540,001 = 90° O'. In a combination of the forms ill, hko, the faces of ill truncate the solid angles of hko, in which the edges e, g meet. 210.111 = 39° 4-4'. 310,111 = 43° 5'. 320.111 = 30° 49'. 620,111 = 41° 22'. In a combination of tlio forms 100, voJcJi, the faces of 100 truncate the edges d of tto/cIi. In a combination of the forms ill, woM, the faces of ill truncate the solid angles in which the three edges u meet. EIG. 21. 53. The form hick, h being greater than k (fig. 21), has twenty-four faces. ¥ COSD = ¥ + a/fc* ’ 2 hk + ¥ COSE = — ; - — ¥ + 2k