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AMPHIBOLE. 301 Pfitsch and Clausen in the Tyrol, Gullsjo, Aker and other places in Sweden, near Nantes in France in granite, Orawitza and Dognazka in the Banat, Massachusetts in the United States, Aberdeenshire, and in the marble of Glen Tilt in Scot land, Iona. The greenish-grey, leek-green and blackish-green varieties in long implanted crystals (actinote) are found in beds of iron ore in the older rocks of Ehrenfriedersdorf, Kaschau and Breitenbrunn in Saxony, Gotteshaus in Bohemia, Arendal in Nor way, Westmanland, Wiirmeland and other places in Sweden, im bedded in talcose rocks on the Greiner in the Zillerthal in the Tyrol, on St. Gotthardt, Salzburg, the Bacher in Lower Stiria, Smrczek in Moravia. Anthophyllite is found at Kongsberg in Norway, Fiskenaes and several other places in Greenland, and in several parts of the United States. The fibrous varieties known by the names of mountain-wood, mountain-cork, &c., are found at Sterzing in the Tyrol, Johann-Georgenstadt in Saxony, Wischkowitz in Bohemia, Sahlberg in Sweden, Mo ravia, Switzerland, Spain, Dauphine, Maryland in the United States, Strontian, Portsoy and Lead Hills in Scotland. The substance called amianthus or asbestus consists, for the most part, of amphibole in fibres so slender as to be flexible. It is found in Corsica, Piedmont, Savoy, Salzburg, the Tyrol, Dauphine, Hungary, Silesia, in several of the United States, St. Keverne m Cornwall, Portsoy in Aberdeenshire, and in the islands of Unst and Fetlar. Common hornblende occurs in dark green or black crystals, massive or disseminated, as a constituent of many rocks, forming with albite diorite and dioritic porphyry, with felspar syenite, with quartz and mica hornblende rock and hornblende slate, and frequently in granite, gneiss, basalt and lava. It is found in the beds of iron ore at Arendal and Kongsberg in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Brcitenbrum and Ehrenfriedersdorf in Saxony, Malleschau in Bohemia, Zillerthal *md Pustcrthal in the Tyrol, the Saualp in Carinthia. Basaltic hornblende occurs in black opaque crystals imbedded in basaltic rocks on the Wolfsberg near Czernuzin, Muckow, the Klotz- berg and other places in Bohemia, in the Bhongebirg, the Habiehtswald, the Kaiscrstuhl, Carboneira on Cabo de Gata in Spain. Uralite has the form of the combination almsp of migite, but the cleavage of amphibole. The cleavages make equal angles with the face b, and their intersection is parallel to the edge ah. It sometimes contains a nucleus of augite. It 18 probably pseudomorphous. It is found in the green-stone Porphyry of the Ural, on the Tavignolo near Predazzo in the Tyrol, Tunguraqua in Quito, the Mysore. . Amphibole is sometimes changed into a rust-coloured earth, m consequence of the conversion of the protoxide of iron into