HAESMAKNITE. 257 Becomes liquid at 0° c; boils at 100° c. HO, hydrogen li-n, oxygen 88 - 89. Occurs in the Andes in strata alternating with sandstone, and as glaciers in the Alps and other elevated situations. According to Breithaupt, combinations of the forms o, a with three forms the faces of which truncate the edge oa, are not unfrequently observed in the levels of the Lorenz Gegent- mm mine near Freiberg. 133. IRITE.—Irit; Hausmann, Haidinger. Cubic. 0 111. (fig. 280.) Lustre metallic. Iron-black. G = 6-066. Melted with nitre emits fumes of osmium, acids. Analysis by Hermann:— Insoluble in Oxide of iridium ¥r . . . 62-86 Protoxide of osmium . 10-30 Protoxide of iron . . . 12-50 Oxide of chrome . . . . 1370 Oxide of manganese . . . trace In fine scales in cavities in the larger pieces of platinum, and in the ferruginous platinum sand of the Ural. 131. IIAUSMANNITE.—Hausmanite; Beudant. Pyra- midales Mangan-Erz ; Mohs. Glanzbraunstein; Hausmann. Hnusmannit; Haidinger. Pyramidal. 101,001 o 00 to 11 67'. c 001 cleavage, e 101, 0 Hi, S sc 28° 58' eef 74° 35' ec 58 67 ee” 117 54 00 49 30 oo' 65 8 ss' 40 3 oo" 99 10 ss" 57 66 eo 37 18 Combinations, es, eos. The faces s fig. 282. ® striated parallel to their intersections with s, frequently dull. Twins. Twin-faee o. Cleavage, c, tolerably perfect; o, e less