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HEMATITE. 237 TIG. 253. TIG. 254. TIG. 255. /" v o \ \ TIG. 256. TIG. 257. TIG. 258. Combinations, or, ru, rn, on, rm, rbq, roe, orr\, ur..n.a, orrjb, orn..y.a.iT, ornu..y.p.yi, ornea, ornes, orntq, ornt<j>p, rnyu..i, “rnyucd, orneitya, rneyuhz, ornbes..a.u, orabesu, ornabnu, ornbe- sakflh. The faces o usually smooth and plane, sometimes stri ated parallel to the intersections with r; r striated parallel to the intersections with n; y uneven, frequently curved, striated pa rallel to the intersections w T ith u; e sometimes curved, but always smooth; X, u, b striated parallel to their intersections with o. Twins. 1. Twin-face o. 2. Twin-face r. Cleavage, o, r more or less distinct; e, traces, o is perhaps not a true cleavage, hut merely a plane of union. Fracture conchoidal... uneven. Opaque ; very thin lamina) are translucent and blood ed by transmitted light. Lustre metallic, p. = 3'19, p = 2 82. Jjark steel-grey...iron-black; sometimes iridescent, except o. “treak cherry-red... reddish-brown. Brittle. H = 6'5.. .S'o. 0 = 5'0.,,6'3. Sometimes feebly magnetic. Conducts elec tricity. Infusible before the blowpipe; in powder becomes black and umgnetic. Imparts a yellow colour to borax and salt of phos phorus in the outer flame, and a green colour in the inner name. Is very slowly soluble in warm hydrochloric acid. ■^e, iron 7o-oo, oxygen 30'00, sometimes with an admixture °f titanic acid.