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232 OXIDES, EABTECS, AND ACIDS. In attached and imbedded crystals, and in druses, reniform, botryoidal, fibrous and granular masses; pseudomorphous after felspar. Occurs in veins and beds and disseminated in granite, gneiss, porphyry, mica slate and clay slate, accompanied by quartz, mica, fluor, apatite, topaz, tourmaline, beryl, wolfram, baryte, mispickel, &c., and in alluvial deposits. Is found in Asia, on the east coast of Sumatra, Siam, Pegu, Malacca and in the island of Banca; in Cornwall at St. Just, St. Agnes, Redruth, Penzance, &c.; in Bohemia at Joachimsthal, Platten, Graupen, Zinnwald, Schlackenwald, Schonfeld, Abertham; in Saxony at Altenberg, Ehrenfriedersdorf, Eibenstock, Zinnwald, Breiten- brunn, Johann-Georgenstadt, Geyer, Marienberg ; in small quantities at Querbach and Giehren in Silesia; in Gallicia in Spain ; in France at Vaulry near Limoges, at Pyriac near Nantes, Vilder in Morbihan ; in Mexico and Chile in alluvium; in Sweden at Broddbo; in Russia; in North and South America. 119. BRAIJNITE. — Braunite ; Beudant. Brachytypes Mangan-Erz; Mohs. Hartbraunstein; Hausmann. Braunit; Haidinger. Pyramidal. 101,001 = c ooi, e 101, s 201, ee 54° 20' sc 70 15 ee" 108 39 ee 70 7 SS" 140 30 ss' 83 27 xe 77 13 Xx" 35 50 XX 51 43 Combinations, ce, es, ex, ces. The faces c less bright than e, and sometimes faintly striated parallel to their intersections with e; e Sometimes slightly convex; s uneven and striated parallel to their intersections with e; x smooth and even. Cleavage, e, perfect. Fracture uneven. Opaque. Lustre metallic, imperfect. Dark brownish-black. Streak brownish- black. Brittle, n = 0D...6-5. G=4'8...4'9. Conducts elec tricity. Infusible before the blowpipe. Imparts a violet colour to borax and salt of phosphorus in the outer flame, which disap pears in the inner flame, especially after the addition of tin. 54° 19'-5. X 311. FIG. 249. FIG. 250. \ / \ / ✓ c e M e' k / ✓ \