EUTIIiE. 225 ua 8° 8' oca 14 2 la 18 26 ha 26 34 ra 33 41 ma 45 0 aaf 90 0 ea 67 13 ca 90 0 ee" 65 35 ee' 45 2 va 27 22 sm 47 40 ss" 84 40 ss' 66 52 fa' 61 34 ta' 79 46 ea’ 90 0 PIG. 236. zc zz' 66° 42' 20 46 zz' 60° 46' to 34 11 EIG. 235. as FIG. 237. FIG. 238. 9 « Combinations. sh, em, shm, earn, sah, esam, esamih, esamhl, esmhlu, ezhcr, eitah, estzamh. Twins. 1. Twin-face e. (fig. 237.) The axes of the individuals make with each other angles of 114 0 25' and 66° 35'. 2. Twin-face v. (fig. 238.) »c = 61° 44'. The faces of the zone ma are striated parallel to their intersections with each other; m sometimes uneven. Cleavage, a, m tolerably perfect, but interrupted. Fracture conchoidal...uneven. Translucent...opaque. Lustre adaman tine, inclining to metallic. Iteddish-brown... red, sometimes inclining to yellow, sometimes to black. Streak very light nrown. n = e-o.-.os. g = 4-22... 430. Before the blowpipe infusible and unchangeable. With norax yields a greenish glass in the outer flame, and a dirty violet glass in the inner flame; with salt of phosphorus in the mner flame yields a columbine red glass, which on the addition nf tin becomes blue or violet. Soluble in bisulphate of potash. In powder with soda melts with intumescence. In very fine