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122 METALS.- ad 90° 0' ed 30° 52' ta 29° 12' oa 64 44 ed' 36 62 to 28 8 00 70 32 ma 25 14 tt' 17 45 da 45 0 md 65 54 tt, 25 12 dd' 60 0 mo 29 30 ed 26 34 mm 50 29 FIG. 101. TIG. 102. TIG. 103. TIG. 104. FIG. 106. FIG. 106. w Forms and combinations, a, o, d, e, m, ao, ad, od, am,, om, aod, aodmtz. Twins. Twin-face o. Cleavage, not observable. Fracture hackly. Opaque. Lustre metallic. Gold-yellow... brass-yellow. Streak bright. Extremely ductile and malleable. II = 2-5... 3-0. G = 14-566... 19-1. Fusible before the blowpipe. In a bead of salt of phos phorus in the inner flame, pure gold remains unaltered, and the bead colourless and transparent; but an admixture of 0'3 per cent, of silver makes the bead opalescent when cold; a larger quantity of silver makes the bead yellow and opaque. Is decomposed by nitromuriatic acid when it does not contain more than 20 per cent, of silver, leaving a residue of chloride of silver. Au, gold, with a variable quantity of silver, which in some cases amounts to 40 per cent., with traces of copper and iron. Analyses of gold a from Sehabrowskoi near Kathnrinen- burg, b from Beresowsk, c from Perwo-Pawlowskoi near Bere- sonvsk,cl from Beresowsk, e from Newjansk, / from* Goruschkoi near JNischne-Tagilsk, g from Fuses in Transylvania, h from