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120 METALS. Occurs in small isolated crystals and rounded wains with osmiridmm and platinum, at Nischne Tagilsk and Newjansk in the Ural, and Ava in the East Indies. 11. PLATINUM.—Native Platina ; Phillips. Platine nati" ^srrifere ; Hauy. Hexaedrisches Platin ; Molis lyxen ; Hausmann. Platin ; Haidinger. Cubic. Po- FIG. 100. a loo. ad so 0 o' No cleavage. Practure hackly. Opaque Lustre metallic. Steel-grey. Streak the same, bright. Ductile. n = 40...4-5. G = 18-947, from South America; 17-3...176 from Russia. Frequently magnetic. ’ i— Before the blowpipe, alone and with fluxes, infusible and unchangeable. Soluble only m nitromuriatic acid The so iution yields a lemon-yellow precipitate with sal-ammoniac. Pt, platinum, with iron, indium, osmium, rhodium, palladium copper. ’ 1 Analyses of platinum a, b from Nischne Tagilsk c from Go roblagodat, d from Barbacoas, all by Berzelius, e’from Choco f from Pinto, both by Svanberg:— ' Platinum Iridium Rhodium Palladium Osmium Iron Copper Manganese Osmium-iridium Earthy substances A silver-white variety from the Brazils (g = ie-94) in small a b C d e / 78-94 73-58 80-50 84-30 80-16 84-34 4-97 2’35 — 1-46 1-09 2'62 0-86 1-15 1-15 3-46 2-10 313 0-28 030 1-10 1-00 0-35 100 (not determined) 1-03 0-97 0-19 11-04 12-98 8-32 531 8-03 7-62 0’70 5-20 0-45 0-74 0-40 trace — — — — 010 0-31 1-96 230 1-40 — 1-91 lofl — 060 0-72 — round grains, according to Svaub Platinum Iridium Rhodium Palladium Osmium Iron Copper rg, consists of 56-44 27-79 6-86 0-49 a trace 4-14 303