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110 METALLOIDS. Eorms and combinations, p, cp,pm, npb, csnpm..te.btyvwkxz. The faces n usually rough ; the other faces smooth and bright. Twins. Twin-face m. Cleavage, p, m, imperfect. Eracture conchoidal... uneven. Transparent...translucent on the edges. Lustre resinous, inclining to adamantine. it = 2'0...2’24. Sulphur-yellow, passing into red, brown, grey. Streak, sul phur-yellow... white. Sectile. II = 1'5...2'5. G = 2'0.’...2-l Acquires resinous electricity by friction. Sublimes in the matrass. Melts at ill 0 c; boils at 420° c ; in the open air takes fire at 270° c, and bums with a blue flame, forming sulphurous acid. S, sulphur. Some varieties contain selenium, which imparts to them an orange-yellow colour; others are coloured brown by bitumen. In attached crystals and druses; globular, rcniform, and sta- lactitic masses, disseminated. Is found in mica slate at Ticsan in Quito, and Glashiitte in Hungary. I n limestone at Carrara. In metallic veins at Bie- poldsau in the Black Forest, in Siegen, and at Bries in Hun gary. In beds of gypsum at Grirgenti, Cataldo, Eiume, and other places in Sicily, Urbino, Modena, and Tuscany; at Conil near Cadiz; in Murcia and Aragon; at Czarkow and Swoszowice near Cracow, Bex, Badoboy near Crapnia in Croatia, Lauen- stein in Hanover. In sandstone in Greenland, Boisdorf on the Bhine, Occhio in Sicily, and Siena in Italy. In alluvium at Aosta. In brown coal at Artern in Thuringia. As a vol canic sublimate in the Solfatara near Naples, the Lipari Islands, Aitna, Iceland, Guadaloupe, Java, Teneriffe, Bourbon, the volcanoes of the Pacific Ocean. As a deposit from the hot springs of Aix-la-Chapelle, Nenndorf, Eilsen. The finest crys tals are found at Conil, at Forli near Naples, and in Sicily. The faces u, w, v, y, x, z, k, were observed in a group of crystals in Mr. Brooke’s collection. Crystals of sulphur obtained by sublimation, by the slow evaporation of a solution of sulphur in bisulphide of carbon, and, in some cases, by the cooling of sulphur from the lowest temperature of fusion, have the form described above. The crystals formed by the cooling of sulphur, heated considerably above the melting point, and, according to Pasteur, sometimes, though rarely, when crystallized from bisulphide of carbon, belong to the oblique system. 101,100 = 40° 0'; 111,010 = 66° 12'; 101,001 = 42° l i\ a loo, c ooi, n oil, m no, t in.