□ 0110 A.Kuhn, indische und germanische segensspräche (in Zs.f.vergl.Sprachforschung ZIII (1864) The following charm is applied for the eure af sprains. A linen thread is tied about_ the in- ■, Jhvxjured purt äfter the solemn repet ition cf the charm'. The thread is called the "wristing thread. from the wrist or ankle being the part to which it is most commonly applied: Our saviour rade, liis" före foot slade, Our saviour.lighted down; Sinew to siuew, - joint to joint; **51bod to blood and~bone tp böhe, . -rrl thou in led ' s name ’ (Choice notes from notes and 4u er j_ 3 p.64; von den Orkneyinseln.)