9 002 8 Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie 4 , III. S.492T. exorcismus ad pecudes inveniendas. Ne forst ölen ne forholen nän uht thäs dhe ic äge ne mä the mihte Herod urne drihten. ic gethohte sce Ead Elänan and ic gethohte Crist on röde ähangen. svä ic thence this feoh tö findanne, näs tö oth- feorganne a- d tö vitanne. näs tö othvyrceanne and tö lufianne. näs tö odhla-danne. Gärmund godes dhe- gen find thät feoh and fere thät feoh. and hafa thät feoh and heald thät feoh and fere häm thät feoh. thät he naefre näobe landes thät he hit odhlaede ne foldan thät hit odhfärie ne hüsa thät he hit odh- heaTde. gif hit hvä gedö ne gedige hit him naefre oinnam thrim nihtum. cunne ic his mihta his mägen and his mihta and his mundcräftas. eall he veornige svä er vudu veornie, svä bredhel theo svä thistel. se dhe his feoh odhfergean thence. odhdhe dhis orf odhehtian dhence. amen. This man sceal cvedhan dhonne his ceapa hvilcne man fosrtelenne. cydh aer he aenig other vord cvedhe. Bethlem hättae seo bu>h dhe Crist on geboren väs. seo is gemäßrsöd ofer ealne middangeard. svä dheos dse d vyrthe for mannum maere. per crucem xpi. and gebide the thonne thriva east and cvedh thriva + xpi ab Oriente reducat. and thriva vest and cvedh. crux xpi ab occidente reducat. and thriva süth and cvedh thriva crux xpi a meridie reducat. and thriva north and cvedh crux xpi. abscondita sunt (? fuit) et inventa est. Judeas Crist ahengon. gedidon him daeda thä vyrstan. haeIon thät hi forhelan ne mihton. svä naefre theos daed forholen ne vyrthe. per crucem xpi. Gif feoh sy undernumen. gif hit sy hors sing on his feotere odhdhe on hin bridel. gif hit sy odher feoh. sing on thät hofrec and ontend dhreo candela. and dryp on thät ofrec veax thriva. ne mäg hit the manna forhelan. gif hit sy inorf sing on feover heal- fa thäs häses and ae ne on middan. crux xpi reducat. crux xpi per furtum periit inventa est. Abraham tibi semitas vias montes concludat Job et flumina Isac tibi tenebras inducat. Jacou te ad iudicium ligatum perducat. ^abschri^t?n.5 atal ° g 114 * ve ™essert nach Kemoles