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THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT’S JOURNAL. THE NEW SYNAGOGUE, GREAT ST. HELEN’S, BI9HOPSGATE-STREET 3. DAVIES, ESQ,, ARCHITECT. On turning to the Index of our last, or we should say our first volume, our readers will there find the pages referred to, where we have already spoken of this building. To the second account there given of it we have now little more to add, except that the cuts will supply information as to various particulars not pointed out at page 339. The section shows the general style of the interior, and the design of that end at which the ark is placed, also the arrangement of the lamps, and of some of the candelabra; but it conveys no idea of the effect, «ither as regards splendour of colour or perspective appear ance. Most of our readers, however, will, so far from requiring to be reminded of this, be able to complete the picture for themselves, from No, 16,—Jakvart, 1839, Vol. II. the sketch here given ; or should they not have done so before, they will now most likely take an opportunity of visiting the building itself. We ourselves have not seen it since it was opened for service, but should judge that it must look particularly rich when lit up; though at such times the effect of the painted windows within the ark must be lost—not, however, necessarily so, because a few gas- burners placed before them on the outside would show to perhaps even greater advantage than bv day, and would diffuse a brilliancy and glow over the upper part of that recess. We cannot conclude without congratulating Mr. Davies both on the opportunity he has had for displaying his taste, and the able manner with which he has turned it to account. A