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Civil Engineer and Architect’s Journal.] [January 1,186S? LONDON AND WESTMINSTER METER COMPANY, LIMITED, JOHNSON’S FLACE, LUPUS STREET, PIMLICO, LONDON. S.W. MANUFACTURERS OF MYERS’S PATENT WATER METER. This Meter being a Cylinder and Piston, is perfectly certain to measure every drop of water which passes through it; it is also very simple in action, at the same time moderate in price. inch. PRICES. £ s. d. A 3 5 0 a 4 5 0 1 5 2 6 li 7 15 0 2 10 10 0 3 15 15 0 Larger sizes to order. THE ABC GAS METER, Shows the money payable f O r Gas consumed. The ABC index can be fitted to old Meters at a very small cost. Prices same as ordinary price list. To he seen at work at the Agricultural Hall during the Cattle Show, Arcade entrance, Isling ton Green. EDGE’S GAS METERS, AND OTHER GAS AND WATER APPARATUS. For further particulars apply as above. STANDARD BOOKS ELEGANT MARBLE DECORATION. RELATING TO ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING, CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, At GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, on Sale at BRADLEY THOMAS BATSFORD’S, 52, HIGH HOLBOBN, LONDON, W.C. Catalogues forwarded post-free. Patent Lock, Fire-proof S afe, and Iron Door Manufacturer TO HER MAJESTY’S HONOURABLE BOARD OF ORDNANCE. JOHN TANK’S (LATE K. TANK & SONS’) NEW PATENT RELiANCE LOCK AND FIREPROOF SAFE Are the best and cheapest safeguards in the world against Fire and Bobbery. 'Testimonials with list of Prices to be had at the Warehouses, 30, Walbrook, City. Or the Works, 1, HOPE STREET, HACKNEY EOAD, LONDON. STEVENS AND SON, PATENTEES OF THE RAILWAY SEMAPHORE SIGNAL, ENGINEERS, IRON AND-BRASS FOUNDERS & MANUFACTURERS. Station, Junction, Auxiliary, and Belt Signals, Galvanized Strand Mire, eys, &c., &c. Signal, Engine, Carriage, and Other Railway Lamps. SIGNAL AND GUARDS’ WHISTLES, &c. CONTRACTORS FOB TUB Erection or alteration of Gas-works, Cast- iron Tanks, Gas Holders, Retorts, Purifiers, Station Meters, Governors, Valves, Lamp-posts, Lamps, &c. REGISTERING TURNSTILE. or Toll Bridges, Exhibitions, & Public Gardens. EARLINGTON WORKS, SOUTHWARK BRIDGE ROAD, LONDON, S.E. COX AND WOOD’S PATENT MAREZZO MARBLE Is supplied in slabs of large or small dimen sions, highly polished, cut, and squared ready for fixing on walls, and is equally permanent and imperishable as marble itself. It has given the greatest satisfaction in all cases where it has been employed, and it is pronounced by the leading members of the Architectural profession to be the cheapest and best material ever introduced for interior decoration. COX ’AND WOOD’S PATENT MAREZZO MARBLE FOR DECORATING BALL BOOMS. Patent- Marezzo Marble for Corridors. Patent Marezzo Marble fob Staircases.. Patent Mabezzo Marble Pilasters. "Patent Mabezzo Marble Skirtings. Patent Marezzo Marble Chimney-pieces. Patent Marezzo Mabble Mouldings. Patent Marezzo Marble Table Tops. Patent -Marezzo Marble for Inlaid Work. . The rarest and choicest Marbles reproduced in Marezzo. ESTIMATES FREE. COX AND WOOD, Show Rooms, 483, Oxford-Street, w.c. Works—Shenton-Stbeet, Old Kent-Road, s.e. KITCHENERS FOR THE MILLION. A PENSOM, 222, Great Portland • Street, Euston Road, London, begs to call the attention of ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS, and others to his varied assortment of LEAMINGTON KITCH EN ERS, which for cheax>ness and utility cannot l>e surpassed. They are constructed to suit ail classes, from 2 feet wide, price 37s 6d and upwards. A liberal discount to the trade for cash. A. PENSOM undertakes HOT WATER circulation for BATHS and Heating purposes, and STEAM WORKS for COOKING in all its branches. Agent for MARRIOTT’S SELF-REGULATING HOT WATER BOILER which requires no Brickwork and very little attention in use ; one making up of the fire lasting from 12 to 20 hours.,