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Civil Engineer and Architect’s Journal] HYGROPHYLAX [January 1,1868. PATENTED FOR PREVENTING AND CURING DAMP WALLS. The dampest walls may be papered, over or painted upon immediately after the solution is applied. It is "chemically impossible for- moisture to penetrate it. One gallon will cover 250 feet. Price 12s. 6d. per gallon, packages charged Is. per gallon extra. A quart sample, in tin bottle, sent on receipt of P.O. Order for 3s 6d. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY THE LONDON SANITARY COMPANY, 6, LIVERPOOL STREET, LONDON, E.C. Terms, cash with order, or London reference. Post-Office Orders payable to Mr. R. L. HICKES. BOGIE ENGINES AND ELASTIC WHEELS. SMITH’S PATENT WHEELS Running on the Great Western and other Railways with satisfaction. These wheels are noiseless and extremely durable. Models, information as to Royalties, Licenses, &c., for the manufacture of these improvements, on application to Mr. William Kelsey, 118, Cannon Street, E.C., and Frederick Smith, Esq., 5, Donegal-square West, Belfast. Two firms are prepared to supply these Wheels at ordinary prices. LONDON PATENT FELT COMPANY’S IMPROVED PATENT ROOFING FELT, PATENT SHIP SHEATHING FELT. Nan-Conducting Dry Hair Felt for Steam Boilers, etc. in Sheets or in long lengths. iNPDORl.L'S Fl-LT FOR LINING IRON HOUSES, ETC. These are the best felts in the market, and the cheapest. J? Chief Offices, 91, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. Vulcanised India-Rubber Goods VALVES, WASHERS, HOSE, MILL BANDS, Sc. J. H. TUCK & Co. 35, Cannon Street, E.C. TUCK’S Patent STEAM PACKING TUCK’S PATENT ELASTIC PACKING S METALLIC LININGS, FOR STEAM ENGINES, PUMPS, &c. &c. Advantages.—A more perfect vacuum is obtained, Friction re duced, great saving in oil and tallow, and the Packing is gradu ally and completely worn away without becoming hard, thus obviating 1 the necessity of drawing- the old Packing. J. H TUCK & Co. 35, Cannon Street, E.C. DIVING APPARATUS. HEINKE BROTHERS, SUBMARINE ENGINEERS, 79, GT. POBTLAKD STREET, LONDON, Beg to call the attention of Ship owners, Merchants, Captains, &c., &c., to the recent improvements made by them in the Submarine Helmet Dress and Apparatus, which enables a Diver to remain any length of time under water for the Recovery of Property from Wrecks, Making and Repairing Foundations of Harbours and Bridges, and also for Pjarl and Sponge Diving. Submarine Engineers to the English, French, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Sardinian, Canadian, Peruvian, Brazilian, and Indian Governments. First Class Medal in the English Exhibition, 1851. First Class Medal in the French Exhibition, 1855. Just published, with portraits, post Sro., PKICE 4s. INVENTORS AND INVENTIONS. COMPRISING : 1. The Philosophy of Invention; 2. The Rights and Wrongs of Inventors; and 3. Inventories of Secret Inventions. By Henry Dircks, C.E.,F.C S., M.R.S.L., F.R.S.E., &c. : London : E. & F. N. Spon, -IS, Charing Cross, S.W. Patent Submarine Lamp, which burns 8 hours under water* ABERDEEN POLISHED GRANITE, MONUMENTS, FOUNTAINS, PEDESTALS, and every description of Architectural Work, cither Polished or Fine Dressed in Red or Grey Granite. JOHN FRASER & SON, BROADFORD GRANITE POLISHING WORKS, ABERDEEN. WM. ELL OB. , London Agent, 20, ST. GEORGE’S ROAD, NEW KENT ROAD, ,E.