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Sprague. Safe current limit of conductors. Electr. Eng. London 8. 486. Bois. Abaque logarithmique pour le calcul de la section la plus avantageuse ä donner ä un cable electrique. Lum. electr. 39, 375. Shapleigh. A self-registering wire gange. Electr. World 17, 62. o o o ö Kimball and Co. The climax wire tag. Electr. World 17, 62. Hering. Table of large compounded wires. Electr. World 17, 238. Cobb. Wire gange and ampereage table. Electr. World 17, 92. Bucknall Smith. A treatise upon wire, its manufacture and uses, embracing comprehensive descriptions of the constructions and applications of wire ropes. gr. 8°. 347 S. London u. New-York, Offices of Engineering u. Wiley and Sons, 1891. Hering. Commercial measurement of high insolation wires. Electr. World 17, 188. Leyden. A handy wiring table. Electr. New-York 12, 157. Roberts. The most economical loss in conductors (allgem. Inh.). Electr. World 18, 41, 58, 146, 156. Ueber den Schutz elektrischer Leitungen. Elektr. Anz. 1891, 1141, 1195. The insulation of electric wires and cables. Electr. London 28, 172. Neu. An ingenions insulation piercer. Electr. World 18, 100. Lagarde. Les cables sous-marins de fabrication anglaise. Bull, internat. de l’electr. 1891, 41. — — English submarine cables. Electr. Rev. 28, 289. India rubber core in submarine cables. Electr. Rev. 28, 360. The proposed pacific cable (Schwierigkeiten wegen grosser Meeres tiefe). Electr. World 18, 49. Fay. Diagram for the application of the law of heating as it affects insulated electrical conductors. — Wiring chart. Electr. World 18, 5, 79. Webb. A practical guide to the testing of insulated wires and cables (Fortsetzung). Electr. New-York 11, 9, 46, 78, 107, 132, 163, 195, 270, 301, 331. Varley. Method of testing insulated wires. U. S. P. Nr. 464125. Off. Gaz. 57, 1170. Fisher. Electrical cable testing. Electr. World 18, 6, 30, 45. The Sandy and Easter leakage detector. Electr. New-York 12, 242. Elektrot. ZS. 1891, 455. The story of a stränge fault (absichtliche Beschädigung). Electr. Rev. 29, 188. Electr. World 18, 157.