coronation of the Virgin, a subject which is repeated in the same style in a panel in the magazines of the Louvre. The collection of the late Mr. Bromley comprised amongst others a series of five half-lengths of the Saviour between S.S. Peter, Paul, Bartholomew and Francis assigned to Giotto, but executed in the style of Jacopo’s fresco in S. Bartolommeo at Arezzo. The period of Jacopo’s death has not been ascertained, but he died at eighty years of age and was buried in S. Agnolo an abbey of the Camaldoles at Pratovecchio. 1 His coteniporary and colleague in the council of the company of S. Luke at Florence, Bernardo Daddi, painted the chapels of S. Lorenzo and of S. Stephano de Pulci e Berardi in S. Croce, and the gates of the old city of Florence. 2 The only remaining frescos of Daddi, that have been preserved, are those of S. Stefano which represent the martyrdom of S. Lawrence and S. Stephen and have been injured by time and retouching. They betray the weakness of an artist of a low order, not ignorant, however, of the laws of composition as they were known to most inferior Giottesques. Vasari calls Bernardo Daddi a pupil of Spi- nello, 3 but this is inconsistent with the only dates of his life. He was enrolled as a member of the company of S. Luke in 1355, 4 having been of the council in 1349. He had one son called Daddo, registered in the same company in 1351, and free of it in 1358, a second called Simone who is mentioned with Ristoro Cione in a record of 1366, 5 and he died in 1380. 6 Spinello was of a later time, as may be shown presently. No doubt Bernardo Daddi’s manner has a general relation to those of Spinello and Parri Spinclli, but this proves only that he and Jacopo di Casentino had a com mon style which the Spinelli inherited. 1 Vas. (Vol. II. p. 184) who further mentions the following works which have perished: fres cos at Arezzo in the Cappella di S. Cristofano in S. Domenico, in the Compagnia Veecliia of S. Giovanni di Eeducci, in the Cap pella Nardi of S. Agostino (Vol. I. p. 180) in the palace of the cita del, and beneath the organ in the Pieve. (Ib. p. 181). 2 Vas. Vol. II. p. 181. 3 Ibid. Vol. II. p. 181. 4 Gualandi, ub. sup. Ser. VI. p. 177. 5 Del Migliore. Vas. Vol. II. p. 182. 6 Vas. Vol. II. p. 182. He was