of Bonamicus on the Eastern gate was crowned by a standing figure of the Virgin and child between two saints, one of whom, S. John, introduced to her the youth ful kneeling figure of one Pietro. 1 Here Giovanni laboured in that grand style which marked his work at Perugia, a style by which other works of the same period might likewise be distinguished. The life size Virgin and child in the interior of the Campo Santo 2 may be placed amongst this class and admitted as one revealing in the master a feeling of grandeur allied to a study of nature in its happiest mood. The infant’s playful smile pleasantly con trasts with the classical features of the Virgin, her antique profile and broad fleshy throat — and under the artist’s hand the marble seemed to represent elastic forms, articulations that promised motion, hands not without elegance, and draperies of considerable breadth. A ta bernacle on the front of one of the gates of the Campo Santo likewise inclosed six statues of saints, and the ar chitecture as well as the sculpture did the Pisan honour. 3 From Pisa, in 1283, to Naples where he is said to have enlarged the Castel Nuovo, Giovanni, says Vasari, 4 wandered and laboured, and thence retiring northwards again he be came in 1284 a citizen of Sienna 5 and probably capo maestro of the Duomo. That for some time previous to 1288 he had occupied that high and responsible office is certain. 6 Hence it might be doubted whether he did more than furnish a design and the assistance of his pupils for the erection of the altar in the Vescovado of Arezzo and the chapel of the Ubertini family in that edifice. 7 Vasari 1 Beneath the Madonna is the inscription: “Sub Petri cura fuit base pia sculpta figura Nicol nato scultore Johe vocato. ” Vasari says, the kneeling figure is Pietro Gambacorti, operaio of the Duomo, which the annotators deny. They might have noticed that the relief is not on the Duomo but on the Baptistery. 2 Beneath the first fresco of Benozzo Gozzoli. 3 Of the same period perhaps is the Virgin and child on the pinnacle of the front of the Duomo. 4 Vasari, ,Vol. I. p. 272. Castel Nuovo was commenced in 1279, by Charles the I st . (Camera. Annali delKegno di Napoli. Vol.I. p.322.) 5 Milanesi, ub. sup. Doc'. Vol. I. p. 163. "Ibid. Vol. III. p. 274. 7 Vasari, Vol. I. p. 272—3,