— 329 — diverses. Les costumes, les vêtements, les étoffes à la mode ont fait la réputation de cette maison. Elle est universelle, et ses propriétaires savent faire grand et beau, en obéissant aux caprices du jour. MODERN ARTISTS EDITED BY F. G. DUMAS PARIS LONDON 125. Boul. Saint-Germain, 19, Cockspur St. S. W. Opinions of the Press. his publication which appears simulta- neously in Paris and in London, is perhaps the most gorgeous and the most richly illustrated that has been dedicated to modem art Sir Frederick Leighton’s portrait is that lately painted by Mr. Watts. It has been sketchily but vigorously etched by Rajon. The principal work has been well selected ; it is the bronze group of “ An Athlete wrestling with a Python ” nobly modelled and one of the most complété and best sustained of Sir Fre derick Leighton’s recent works. A fragment of the fresco of the “ Arts of War ” enforces admiration. Some fac- similés of drapery studies for the “ Daphnephoria ” are exquisitely reproduced and form one of the great attrac tions of this section of the work. But to our taste the most valuable and singular contribution from Sir F. Leighton is the fac-similé of the original drawing for his early picture “ The Procession of the Madonna of Cimabue. ”