ADMIRALTY PUBLICATIONS; Issued by direction of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty:— A MANUAL OF SCIENTIFIC ENQUIRY, for the Use of Travellers. Edited by Sir John F. Herschel, and Rev. Robert Main. Third Edition. Woodcuts. Post 8vo. 9*. AIRY’S ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS made at Greenwich. 1836 to 1847. Royal 4to. 50s. each. ASTRONOMICAL RESULTS. 1848 to 1858. 4to. 8*. each. APPENDICES TO THE ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVA TIONS. 1837.- 1842.- 1845.- 1847.- 1851. - 1852. - 1853. - 1S54.- 1856.- 1862.—: H.A.and N.P.D. >-8$. iptic P.D. J 1836.—I. Bessel’s Refraction Tables. II. Tables for converting Errors of R.j into Errors of Longitude and Ecliptic 1 -I. Logarithms of Sines and Cosines to every Ten ) Seconds of Time. >8*. II. Table for converting Sidereal into Mean Solar Time.) Catalogue of 1439 Stars. 85. -Longitude of Valentia. 8s. -Twelve Years’ Catalogue of Stars. 14s. -Maskelyne's Ledger of Stars. 6s. -I. Description of the Transit Circle. 5s. II. Regulations of the Royal Observatory. 2s. -Bessel’s Refraction Tables. 3s. -I. Description of the Zenith Tube. 3*. II. Six Years’ Catalogue of Stars. 10s. -Description of the Galvanic Apparatus at Greenwich Ob servatory. 8s. I. Seven Years’ Catalogue of Stars. 10s. II. Plan of the Building and Ground of the Royal Oh- 'i servatory, Greenwich. >■ 3s. III. Longitude of Valentia. ) MAGNETICAL AND METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVA TIONS. 1840 to 1847. Royal 4to. 50s. each. ASTRONOMICAL, MAGNETICAL, AND METEOROLO GICAL OBSERVATIONS, 1848 to 1863. Royal 4to. 50s. each. ASTRONOMICAL RESULTS. 1848 to 1863. 4to. MAGNETICAL AND METEOROLOGICAL RESULTS. 1848 to 1863. 4to. 85. each. REDUCTION OF THE OBSERVATIONS OF PLANETS. 1750 to 1830. Royal 4to. 505. LUNAR OBSERVATIONS. 1750 to 1830. 2 Vols. Royal 4to. 50s. each. 1831 to 1851. 4to. 205. BERNOULLI’S SEXCENTENARY TABLE. London, 1779. 4to. BESSEL’S AUXILIARY TABLES FOR HIS METHOD OF CLEAR ING LUNAR DISTANCES. 8vo. FUNDAMENTA ASTRONOMIC: Begiomontii, 1818.Folio.605. BIRD’S METHOD OF CONSTRUCTING MURAL QUADRANTS. London, 1768. 4to. 25. 6d. METHOD OF DIVIDING ASTRONOMICAL INSTRU MENTS. London, 1767. 4to. 2 s.6d. COOK, KING, and BAYLY’S ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS. London, 1782. '4to. 215. ENCKE’S BERLINER JAHRBUCH, for 1830. Berlin, 1S28. 8vo. 95. GROOMBRIDGE’S CATALOGUE OF CIRCUMPOLAR STARS. 4to. IO5.