Caiip. XVII. ANDREA DEL SARTO. 543 but previous to the latter date, the fixture painter had been apprenticed; and almost before it was possible that he could read (1494), he was.introduced to the shop of a goldsmith. 1 A declared aversion to cold chisels and files was the first sign that the boy gave of his unfitness for the busi ness he was bound to. But he showed no such dis inclination for the models from which the journeymen of his master were made to work. His childish cleverness in drawing from them was watched with interest, if not by the goldsmith, at least by his neighbour Gian Barile; and the result was the transfer of Andrea from the one to the other. Whatever might have been the chagrin of Agnolo that his son should be withdrawn from a great guild to be entered into a lesser one, he was obliged to yield to cir cumstances, and Gian Barile kept Andrea till about 1498. There is no telling how del Sarto would have turned out, had the connection lasted longer. Gian Barile was a man of contemptible talents and coarse manners, 2 to whom his pupil may have been indebted for much that was slipshod and common in his ways; but if he had faults, want of sympathy and generosity was not one of them, and this he proved by recommending the youth as a draughtsman and a colourist to Piero di Cosimo. Upon trial, this eccentric artist fully approved of Bai’ile's afterwards went to S. Ilario aMon- tereggi (Catast. 1465. Port d. Con tado Q. S. G. P. d.Fiesole, Popolo di S. Ilario a Montereggi, Poteste- rie di Sesto). Francesco, came to reside near Florence. Piviere di S. Giovanni of Florence (Catast. d. Contado 1471, Quart. S. M. Novella Piv. S. Giov. ? Pop. S. Lorenzo di Dentro da S. Gallo, Potesteria di Firenze. Francesco who makes.the return is 40 years old. Agnolo in 1487 lived in Gual- fonda and in 1504 in popolo S. Pao lo of Flor. (Cat. d. Contado 1487. Quart, di S. M. Novella, Piv. d. S. Giov. Firenze, Pop. S. M. Novella dentro. Agnolo who makes the return is thirty, and says his son Andrea is one year old. It is clear that the family name ofVannucclii never had any found ation in fact. Hut ,see also Tav. Alfab. ad lit. (Favoured by G° Mi- lanesi.) 1 Vas. (VIII. 252) sayS, Andrea was bound to a goldsmith when seven years old. 2 Vas. VIII. 252. He must not be confounded with Giovanni Ba- rili of Sienna, for notices of whom see com. in Vas.- VIII. 93 and foils, and Doc. Sen.